“I’m ready to publish…. Now what?”

You’ve put all the work in and written an amazing manuscript, now let’s help you birth this book into the world!

Here’s an action shot of the photo shoot for my book cover. I was involved in every single detail!

Here’s an action shot of the photo shoot for my book cover. I was involved in every single detail!

To self-publish or go the traditional route… you’ve got questions, I’ve got ALL the answers!

I’ve always been an entrepreneur at heart. I launched my first business when I was 20 and have never looked back. What I didn’t know was that self-publishing my book was going to be a lot like running my own business… and lucky for me… I had experience with that! Self-publishing is a wild adventure - one that has amazing rewards and benefits. However, you need to be prepared, as self-publishing also means: setting your own deadlines, hiring your own cover designer, creating a sales pitch, managing your social media, etc.

While a traditional publisher will take care of all those things for you, they may also want total creative control meaning you will not be involved in what the cover of your book looks like, the esthetics inside, or how it is marketed. If these things are important to you, you may want to consider self-publishing. Yes, self-publishing requires an initial investment on your end, but I broke even on the expenses of my book on the first day of sales! (I’ll tell you all about how when we work together on this package.)

This package includes support throughout all those “business” decisions, and I will connect you with awesome (Canadian) printing companies if you decide to self-publish. I will also help you get your KDP (required for Amazon sales) account all set up…. all the things I wish I had when I was starting out in the world of a self-published author!

Now, there is nothing wrong with traditional publishing. For first-time authors hoping to traditionally publish, you will need to have a finished (polished) manuscript before applying to agencies. I am not an expert on finding an agent but if you decide to go this route, you better believe I will help you write a kick-ass query letter and will be right there beside you to support you through the highs and lows of rejections letters and big-time publishing deals!

As your coach, I will help you with all things related to your publishing journey. And most importantly, I’ll be there for support after your book is birthed into the world… when it matters most!


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