Your book editor will become someone very special to you.
You don’t have to hire me, but make sure you find someone who cares about your book that way you do ♥
I believe in honest and kind feedback. (And I believe your editor should be both!)
Before you publish your book, you will need at least 2 sets of eyes on it. The first is where I come in — I will comb through your manuscript checking for flow, development, timeline, character development, consistency, etc. I will make suggestions and walk you through all the feedback while reminding you how awesome you are just for sitting down to write your story. For poetry collections, I use a method called Live Editing which you can read more about here.
The second person you will need on your book team is a great proofreader to check grammar, spelling, spacing, etc. I also recommend using beta readers before you send your book-baby into the world. These are people who love books and are willing to read your book for free and give you constructive feedback.
Pricing for my editing services varies based on your project’s length and deadline. The best way to find out more is by telling me about your project, and we’ll see if I’m a good fit.
You will never find someone who champions your book as much as you do… but your editor should be a close second! I’d love to be that person for you!