I’m all in.

I’ve decided: I want this. I want to be a published author.

Let’s begin!


Maybe the idea of writing your story is just a dream swirling around your mind…

Maybe you’ve started collecting scrap pieces of paper, journal entries and blog posts… either way, there’s only one way to get that idea out on paper… and that’s to write it! The Doula of Words will help guide you through the intensive process of putting your story onto paper, which includes:

  • 2 monthly coaching calls where you can read what you're working on or ask questions related to what you’re writing

  • Access to a community of writers just like you! This includes access to 2 Scared Writing Circles where we will gather and write together in a way that is sure to make you feel inspired (Group settings not your thing? No problem… we can do this one-on-one!)

  • Weekly check-ins from Yoda where I will share quotes, memes and prompts… or whetever it is you need to keep your motivation to write. I will also openly share the poetry/short stories I’m working on. (Vulnerability is easier for everyone when it goes both ways!)

  • Accountability 101 - we will keep each other on track and I will help you meet your daily, weekly or monthly writing goals (I cannot do the work for you, but I can help you get there!)


Okay, so you’ve started working on your masterpiece. It’s getting there. You’ve got a rough draft and a whole lot of questions…

Once you approach a finished draft, The Doula of Words will help prepare you to have your book birthed into the world. This includes:

  • Up to 4 coaching calls where we will cover all of your questions and talk about next steps including budgeting, timelines and polishing your draft

  • Weekly check-ins from Yoda throughout the entire process

  • Accountability 101 - I’ve already seen you meet your daily, weekly or monthly writing goals, and now it’s time to set up some timelines and deadlines for when you want to publish your book

  • Tell you everything I know about: finding an editor, proofreader, copywriter, designer, brand manaager, agent, printer, etc.

  • Offer advice for social media strategy + virtually launching your new brand (Basically, I’ll get your prepared to tell the world about your book baby!)

  • Connect you with beta-readers + other authors in my network who will be a valuable asset to you in your journey

I realized in my joruney that no one will care about my book as much as I do… but my editor came pretty dang close!

Before you publish your book, you will need at least 2 sets of eyes on it. The first is where I come in - this is called a Content Editor. I will comb through your manuscript checking for flow, development, timeline, characters, consistency, etc. I will make suggestions and walk you through all the feedback while reminding you how awesome you are just for sitting down to write your story.

The second person you will need on your book team is a great Copy Editor/Proofreader. (Someone to check grammar, spelling, spacing, tense, etc.) There are thousands of proofreaaders out there to choose from and I can help connect you.

Lastly, I recommend having beta-readers before you send your baby into the world. These are people who love books who are willing to read your book for free and give you constructive feedback.


You’ve put all the work in and written an amazing manuscript, now let’s help you birth this book into the world!

Self publishing vs. Traditional publishing is kindof like: running your own small business vs. working for a big corperation. Basically, it’s a big decision. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • For first time authors hoping to traditionally publish, you will need to have a finished (polished) manuscript before applying to agencies.

  • I am not an expert on finding an agent but if you decide to go this route, you better believe I will help you write a kick-ass query letter and will be right there beside you to support you through the highs and lows of rejections letters + big time publishing deals!

  • A traditional publisher may want total creative control meaning you will not be involved in what the cover of your book looks like, the esthetics inside or how it is marketed. If these things are important to you, you may want to consider self-publishing!

  • With self-publishing, everything is on you! This means creating your own deadlines, hiring your own designer, managing your own social media, etc. It’s a lot like running a business, so be prepared.

  • The Doula of Words can not only help you make these decisions, but can connect you with awesome (Canadian) printing companies and help you get your KDP (Amazon) account all set up…. all the things I wish I had when I was starting out in the world of a self-published author!